best premium credit maker world of tanks

I'm just wondering what the best non premium tanks/tiers for credit making are


Well, best credit earner is premium tank that fits your playstyle

Here are some tanks = t49 (I usually get 20-27k credits per wining battle after all extra costs) , pz 3/4 ( good credit grinder aswell (inHopefully it will help you get credits fast but still premiums are best money makers

The Lowe is the best credit earner overall capable of making $100k even while fully-loaded and firing some prammo (which you rarely need)! But it is nowhere near the top of the Tier 8 tanks like the Victory is in 6- in fact the Lowe just gets ripped

Here is some best premium tanks you can buy

The main money makers are the tier 8 premiums; a good round in one of those can clear 100,000 credits (gross; typically about 60-80,000 net, depending on ammo and repair costs) on a premium account

T34 is going to be buffed in 8

Here is some best premium tanks you can buy

Автор: hishnik 14.01.2017 Коментари: 1 Посмотрели: Вернутся назад


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